Bloody stools are a risk factor for 6 extremely dangerous diseases

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Before you flush the toilet, you should take a look at the characteristics of your feces. Our 
health can be easily determined by our feces. Whether it be the size, color, smell, or external characteristics.

The obvious normality that many people may be shocked to see is bloody stool. Or stool with fresh blood mixed in. And what we know is that there is a high possibility of hemorrhoids. But in fact, there are many diseases that may show symptoms starting from bloody stool, and they are even more dangerous than hemorrhoids.

dangerous diseases that start with symptoms of “bloody stool”

1. Hemorrhoids

People who are frequently constipated are at higher risk of developing this disease. Than people who have normal bowel movements. If there are frequent hard stools that rub against the skin or mucous membranes of the anus, causing wounds, and there is frequent fresh blood flowing out in drops or lines with stool, in addition to having a burning pain in the anus, there may also be hemorrhoids protruding, causing inflammation and severe burning pain. If the symptoms do not improve, you should see a doctor for proper treatment. 

2. Colon Bleeding

There is fresh blood or blood clots coming out with the stool. But there is no burning pain in the anus because you are not constipated, it may be because there is bleeding in the colon. And If there are minor symptoms, a small amount of blood comes out, and the bleeding stops on its own, you can monitor your symptoms at home. However, if there is a lot of blood coming out, you should rest, not eat or drink, and see a doctor at the hospital. 

3. Bleeding in the stomach or small intestine

Symptoms may start with vomiting blood (or not vomiting), followed by bloody stools. The blood is dark, almost black. If a large amount of blood is passed, abstain from food and water and see a doctor immediately. 

4. Dysentery

If you have diarrhea and your stool contains mucus and blood. And has a strong smell, you may be at risk of dysentery caused by an infection in the colon. Which causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon. You should see a doctor to examine your stool to find the exact cause at the hospital. 

5. Colon cancer​

Colon cancer causes sores, especially near the anus, which increases the risk of blood in the stool. And Colon cancer usually occurs in adults over the age of 40-50, but it can also occur in teenagers and working people. The more a family has a history of this disease, the higher the risk. The best way is to reduce the consumption of red meat, grilled or burnt foods, stop smoking, drink alcohol, and exercise regularly.

6. Ischemic Bowel Disease

Ischemic bowel disease is caused by many factors, but the symptoms are that blood cannot flow into the intestines, causing the intestinal cells to start not working until the cells die and start to rot until bacteria are present. Symptoms are cramping stomach pain, which may be so painful that you lose consciousness, and there may be a bloodstream infection that can lead to death. If during the stomach pain, there is blood in the stool, it means that the symptoms are getting serious. You should see a doctor immediately for a checkup to be certain, because if some parts of the intestine start to rot, surgery will be required to remove the damaged part of the intestine and reconnect the intestine that is still functioning normally. 

In addition to bloody stool being a dangerous sign of various diseases, the color of the stool is dark red or almost black, it may be due to other causes such as eating food that contains animal blood or taking blood tonics. Therefore, if you have bloody stool or a little blood-like color and no other abnormal symptoms, you may try eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking more water, and exercising regularly. It may help improve the symptoms. But if you are not sure, it would be best to see a doctor for a physical examination.